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ChemistryElite.Com is your ultimate online platform for learning chemistry for free, designed for students of all levels, from Grade 6 to PhD

Begin with Your Favorite Topic

  Atomic Structure
  Organic chemistry
  Chemical bond
  Periodic table
  General chemistry
  P-block elements
  Surface chemistry
  Chemical kinetics
  Solid state
  Redox reactions
  States of matter

Explore Everything by Grade

Grade 6   
13 Chapters | 111 Topics
Grade 7   
16 Chapters | 157 Topics
Grade 8   
15 Chapters | 100 Topics
Grade 9   
12 Chapters | 127 Topics
Grade 10   
15 Chapters | 100 Topics
Grade 11   
14 Chapters | 153 Topics
Grade 12   
15 Chapters | 101 Topics
7 Chapters | 170 Topics
7 Chapters | 173 Topics
7 Chapters | 147 Topics